How Diamond Dazzle works?

A brilliant bonus element in the 90-ball bingo game Diamond Dazzle elevates the full house to a new level. Diamonds at the start of every game display values between 1 and 24. Each diamond worth is disclosed to players when the numbers are named before dissipating.

Increasing player interactivity
Each round has 4 prizes.

Full House Gamble feature’s Diamond Dazzle feature gives the option of choosing an immediate payout or wagering on bigger value prizes.
50% of the prize is awarded to the full house winner.
Rest of jackpot distributed equally among game players who made accurate guesses.

Diamond Dazzle, the name itself evokes images of sparkling brilliance and shimmering glamour. But what exactly is Diamond Dazzle, you ask? Well, my dear friend, let me enlighten you.

Diamond Dazzle is not just any ordinary diamond cleaner. It is the holy grail of diamond cleaning solutions. It is the ultimate weapon in the war against dull and lackluster diamonds. With Diamond Dazzle, you can restore your diamonds to their former glory and make them shine brighter than the sun.

But wait, there’s more! Diamond Dazzle is not just limited to diamonds. It can also be used on other precious gems like sapphires, rubies, and emeralds. It’s like a one-stop-shop for all your precious jewelry cleaning needs.

So, if you want your diamonds to dazzle like they did on the day you first laid eyes on them, get yourself a bottle of Diamond Dazzle today. Trust me, your diamonds will thank you for it.

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